These meditations come from different traditions, like Tibetans, Egyptians and Indians. These techniques were followed to reach the mindfullness.
Saturday 26th and Sund...
All meditation techniques were aimed at awakening the sleeping Kundalini energy.
Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th July 2014
Bordeaux, Yoga du Centre (Martine Mannaud)
Saturday 18 and sunday 19 January 2014
Villa du Parc Monsouris
Paris 14ème
co-organized by Jeanne Chevalier & Espace Prana
Kundalini & Ancient Tantra
Saturday 11 et sunday 12 January 2014
at Yoga Shakti
co-organized by Atma Bodhi & Jean-Marie Perre, association Sha...
Kundalini & Ancient Tantra
Saturday 4 et sunday 5 January 2014.
At Maison des Associations
co-organized by association D...
The photos of events organized in August 2013 :
- Meditation workshop in Montpellier
- Fire ritual (Yagna)
- Meditation workshop in Colombières-sur-Orb
February 2013, Montpellier, France.
Meditation workshop during one week-end at Yoga Shakti studio.
August 2012, Montpellier, France.
Meditation workshop during a week-end at Yoga Shakti studio.
Augusto 2012, Montpellier, France.
Conference during one day outside in a parc, on the themes :
- Creating Abundance in your Life
- Tantra, going beyond sexuality
- Expl...